Whether your child is just beginning, needs the motivation to keep practicing or the challenge of an advanced ensemble, Snoqualmie Strings involves & inspires all levels through the following 4 programs:
An afterschool program teaching fundamentals of playing; offered 1 hour weekly on Fridays 2:30-3:30 for children just starting out.
The perfect place for students who have a year or two of playing experience but need a place to grow musically before tackling the increased challenge of Youth Orchestra. In additional to learning their own songs, these students play simple parts with Youth Orchestra.
A faster-paced learning environment for kids who have mastered the basics of note reading.
Geared towards those musicians who can learn their music independently, Chamber Orchestra focuses on advanced techniques and musical nuance.
When your child plays great music next to a
professional player...
When a toddler stops to listen...
When a local nursing home resident taps his toe...
When advancing students have opportunities to perform
with peers & are empowered as mentors...